PhD student Aitor Herrán received his BCs in Chemistry in 2017 from the University of Basque Country. In 2018 he completed his Master`s on Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry, also from the University of the Basque Country. During this Master`s, specially focused on industrial research, he specialized and gained experience on the synthesis and reactivity of palladium-based pincer complexes. Due to this experience, after completing his Master´s thesis, he started working as researcher in the Organic Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology, at the same University, by his participation in different research projects in the same field. Although having spent some time working in industry, his motivation for research encouraged him to follow this way, and, since June 2019 he is a PhD student working on a collaborative project between CIC and the company CEGASA. His PhD thesis will be mainly focused on the rationalization of the large-scale production process of battery materials.
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