Battery Post-Mortem Analysis and Ageing group focuses on determining mechanisms and failure modes for a wide range of battery technologies, using a combination of conventional post-mortem and advanced non-destructive analytical tools.
Leaning on the advanced characterization techniques in the center (including ex-situ, in-situ, and atmosphere-controlled), group expertise in cell aging and post-mortem analysis gives support during the development of materials for new batteries and supercaps, helping to increase cyclability, calendar life, and cell safety by proposing solutions targeted to meet the technical requirements.
We are also able to provide a comprehensive assessment of commercial cells, leading to iterative and advanced solutions for the challenges facing batteries for industrial applications. By working closely with research and industrial partners, we leverage our broad knowledge in both bottom-up and top-down approaches. The inclusion of ante-mortem cell analysis allows industrial partners to support its decision process.
Our group also continually innovates on novel approaches to battery analysis and battery development, working to provide practical and rational solutions to meet the future challenges facing energy storage.