The board of trustees of the research centre CIC energiGUNE has approved this Thursday in Bilbao the renewal of its presidency, which will be held by Pilar González Fernández, representing Iberdrola, after being unanimously elected.
As explained in a statement CIC energiGUNE, Gonzalez will replace the director of Energy, Mines and Industrial Administration of the Basque Government, Aitor Oregi, as president of the research center.
With this decision, the people in charge have indicated, "CIC energiGUNE addresses a fundamental objective for the fulfillment of its mission, such as the transfer of technology to the company, as well as its impact on society".
Complete article in spanish: https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/3515816/0/pilar-gonzalez-presidira-representacion-iberdrola-cic-energigune/
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