CIC energiGUNE´s Board of Members is made up of a group of public and private entities based in the Basque Country. All of them support the activities of the center, helping to guide research of excellence in energy storage, promoting cooperation, supporting the dissemination, and facilitating the transfer of research results.
In the case of the companies that are members of the Board of Members, they are all references in the field of energy at a national, European, and international level.
The Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government works to improve the competitiveness of the Basque business fabric through technological innovation. This department develops the intelligent specialization strategies (RIS 3) whose priority areas include the area of energy and energy storage as a facilitating technology.
CIC energiGUNE is the Basque Government´s strategic initiative in the field of energy storage and aims to strengthen the energy storage value chain in the Basque Country, helping it to become a reference region in Europe in this field. To this end, the center works to maximize the impact of research excellence by transforming it into results that improve the competitiveness of Basque companies.
The Provincial Council of Alava and CIC energiGUNE are working to improve the competitiveness of Alava´s energy storage companies through technological innovation. CIC energiGUNE is the reference center in Alava´s energy specialization strategy.
The Energy Agency of the Basque Government has the mission to propose energy strategies for the Basque Country, under the criteria of guaranteed supply, cost competitiveness, sustainability and technological development. To this end, it provides services to the Basque Government´s Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures and carries out activities in the field of energy and geological-mining resources.
It participates in projects, involving private companies and public institutions. It also disseminates in society the values and messages that guide its strategies. It bases its capacity for action on the technical qualification, commitment and leadership of its people, as well as on the planning and efficient management of its resources. CIC energiGUNE is the Basque Government´s strategic initiative reference center through which EVE focuses and coordinates strategic research activity related to energy storage.
It focuses on the real estate sector, confining itself to the promotion of industrial land. Its main activity is the promotion of industrial estates in the province of Alava. Its aim is to make these locations available to economic activities, both new and developing existing ones, in order to contribute to improving their competitiveness. CIC energiGUNE and Álava Development Agency collaborate in the promotion of Alava´s economic activity through the use of new technologies.
A global energy leader, the first wind producer and one of the largest electricity companies by market capitalization in the world. It supplies energy to nearly 100 million people. Iberdrola is a leader in the energy transition towards a sustainable model. Its main investments are focused on renewable energies, smart grids, large-scale energy storage and digital transformation.
Its commitment to the environment and to the decarbonisation of the economy make it the leading renewable energy company and it has managed to reduce emissions in Europe by 75% since 2000.
Iberdrola participates in the orientation of CIC energiGUNE´s specialisation plan in both electrochemical and thermal storage and collaborates with CIC energiGUNE and its spin-off BCARE in various research and development projects.
Cegasa is a European reference in the design and manufacture of solutions to ensure the availability of energy through electrochemical energy storage. Its areas of expertise focus on the design and manufacture of lithium-ion products and solutions applied to industrial traction, mobility, stationary systems, and renewables. Cegasa also designs and manufactures high-energy industrial batteries with Zinc-Air technology, which makes it possible to feed low-power equipment for very long periods of time. As well as the production of electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) for alkaline batteries.
Cegasa is working closely with CIC energiGUNE to improve its Zinc-Air and electrolytic manganese technologies.
It is a leading provider of wind energy solutions, with customers all over the world. Gamesa is an innovative and pioneering company in the renewable energy sector. The pillars on which its initiatives are based are: constant innovation, passion for technological excellence and solutions adapted to the objective of each project. Gamesa Electric is also a world leader in the design and manufacture of electrical equipment, with extensive experience in photovoltaic, hydroelectric, marine propulsion, wind and energy storage applications, among others.
Gamesa Electric, CIC energiGUNE and its spin-off BCARE collaborate in the development of new large-scale storage technologies for the stationary sector, generating disruptive developments that contribute to the competitiveness of these companies.
It is the leading provider of customized solutions for utilities, electricity end users and renewable energy system applications based on its own technology. The company promotes the development of the electricity sector with a view to meeting the challenges of tomorrow´s energy needs. Ormazabal collaborates with the main local, regional and global companies in the electricity sector as part of its commitment to innovation in the areas of personal safety, network reliability, energy efficiency and sustainability.
Ormazabal and CIC energiGUNE are collaborating in the development of CIC energiGUNE´s research plan, working together on the development of disruptive and low cost electrochemical storage technologies.
International professional services company for consulting, engineering and architecture. Its areas of knowledge have led it to become a reference in advanced engineering solutions for scientific and technological projects, design architecture, consulting in urban regeneration, and development of emerging and sustainable cities. Idom is also a leader in solutions for industry, energy studies for power generation plants, oil & gas projects, innovative designs in transportation systems, and equipment related to the water cycle.
Idom collaborates with CIC energiGUNE in the orientation of its research plan to facilitate the agile transmission of knowledge in all of the company´s activities where energy storage systems are required, both thermal and electrochemical.
Petronor is an oil company, whose corporate purpose is the refining and commercialization of different oil products, as well as their derivatives. It is at the industrial forefront of the oil sector, and it is at the forefront of the spirit of tradition and closeness to the environment in which it is located, and to which it owes its productive strength. For this reason, its objective is to improve in order to compete in the international market and to show the fruits of its success in the environment that sustains it.
Petronor Innovation collaborates with CIC energiGUNE in the orientation of its research plan, its interest being storage systems related to energy efficiency in industrial processes.
It is a private engineering and technology group that stands out for providing high quality innovative solutions in the following sectors: aerospace, defence, infrastructure, energy, naval, renewable energy and waste energy recovery. Its aim is to serve its customers and society by providing advanced, successful and efficient engineering solutions. In the same time, improving the business of its clients. Thus facilitating society´s access to competitive, safe and sustainable services, equipment and utilities. It is a benchmark for its firm commitment to innovation, the spirit of service to its clients, the development of its professionals, ethical principles, good corporate governance, social responsibility, quality, personal safety and care for the environment.
Sener and CIC energiGUNE have historically collaborated in the field of thermal storage, as Sener is one of the world leaders in the field of solar concentration plants.
Solarpack is a multinational company specialized in the development, construction and operation of large scale photovoltaic solar projects with international presence. It is one of the first companies developing and generating photovoltaic solar energy in Spain. Its agility in making strategic decisions has allowed it to be a pioneer in several of the markets in which it is present. Its strategic objectives are profitable growth and risk management. These are pursued by its three global divisions (Development and Construction, Energy Generation and Services).
Solarpack, CIC energiGUNE and its Spinoff BCARE collaborate in the development and implementation of low-cost storage technologies with the possibility of deployment in disadvantaged areas.
The Mondragon Corporation is a group of autonomous and legally independent cooperatives connected by a series of solidarity mechanisms. As the leading Basque industrial group and the tenth largest in Spain, it is a world reference in cooperation work. Its values focused on people and solidarity have allowed it to develop internationally. They have positioned themselves as leaders in sectors such as: machine tools, lifting, consumer goods, automotive, consultancy and construction.
The Mondragon Corporation collaborates with CIC energiGUNE in different projects in which the University of Mondragon, Ikerlan and various companies of the corporation with interests in the field of energy storage participate.
Nortegas is the second company at state level in the gas distribution business. Since its inception they have worked to bring gas to all homes and businesses that need it. In cities, rural areas or industrial zones. Always with the aim of achieving the welfare of people, to cover the needs of comfort in their homes, and to supply them with energy safely and with respect for the environment. Likewise, Nortegas contributes to facilitate the growth of the industrial fabric in those areas where until recently it was difficult to install due to the lack of appropriate energy. The company is aware of the need to improve customer service and actively promotes research.
Nortegas collaborates with CIC energiGUNE in the orientation of its research plan to facilitate the agile transmission of knowledge in all those activities of the company where energy storage systems related to its activity are required.
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