CIC energiGUNE is a private non-profit foundation, located in the Alava Technology Park and a member of BRTA (BASQUE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE). Today, it is considered one of the top 3 reference centers in Europe, thanks to the positioning of its research lines, its research team and its state of art characterization, testing infraestructure, and prototyping platforms that make it the reference laboratory in southern Europe.
Its highest governing body is the board of members, made up of public and private entities, which are responsible for reinforcing the possibility of rapid implementation and transmission to society of progress made in the field of research in energy storage.
Intending to be an international reference, the center works in an extensive network of collaborators, which includes platforms, clusters, initiatives, companies, universities, and centers, all references in the international field of energy storage. The objective of these collaborations is to obtain valuable results for both electrochemical storage applications and thermal storage applications.