June Blanco (CIC energiGUNE), Aitor Villaverde (CIC energiGUNE), Maica Morant (CIC energiGUNE), Laida Otaegui (CIC energiGUNE)
The authors of the present invention have found that the introduction of an inorganic filler into the extrusion equipment along with the other individual membrane components (an ion-conductive polymer and a lithium), which were not subjected to any pre-processing, afforded a hybrid polymeric-inorganic membrane by a continuous process and in a solvent free manner.
The addition of the inorganic filler to the polymer and lithium salt caused the efficiency and coulombic capacity values to be maintained for a longer time. Also, better results were obtained with lower thicknesses. A film thickness of about 70 microns showed better performance than the same film composition with greater thicknesses, in fact the 70 microns film was able to operate for more than 800charge/discharge cycles in a lithium metal and a LFP cathode cell.
Business Development Manager businessdev@cicenergigune.com P: +34 945 297108
Mikel Arrese-Igor (CIC energiGUNE), Maria Martinez Ibañez (CIC energiGUNE), Michel Armand (CIC energiGUNE), Frederic Aguesse (CIC energiGUNE), Pedro Lopez-Aranguren (CIC energiGUNE), Devaraj Shanmukaraj (CIC energiGUNE), Erwan Dumont (SAFT)
Mani Karthik (CIC energiGUNE), Abdessamad Faik (CIC energiGUNE) and Stefania Doppiu (CIC energiGUNE)
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