The training, given in English, is intended for students and researchers who don’t use yet the FullProf Suite (https://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof/) for the treatment of their powder diffraction data (although attendants are expected to have basic knowledge in crystallography to be able to follow the training).
The participation to the training is free of charge. People interested should contact María Jauregui (mjauregui@cicenergigune.com) to obtain more information and to register to the training by sending her the registration form available on the webpage (limited number of assistants; register as soon as possible to save your spot).
The training is sponsored by the Grupo Especializado de Cristalografía (GE3C), the Grupo de Jóvenes Químicos Investigadores (JIQ) and the Grupo Especializado de Química del Estado Sólido y Materiales (GEQES) of the Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ). Travel grants are available for students who are members of at least one of these three groups to support their travel and accommodation costs.
Organizing committee: Dr. Marine Reynaud, María Jauregui, Dr. Montse Galceran and Dr. M. Casas-Cabanas (CIC energiGUNE).