The research centre CIC energiGUNE from Alava will be part of the Advisory Committee of the Batteries 2030+ initiative, a body that leads a coordinated action among the main European research and industrial centres in the field of energy storage, providing its expertise in solid state batteries for the automotive industry.
In a statement, the research centre reported that this action promotes the development of a roadmap for future electrochemical storage systems in Europe.
As explained, thanks to its "differential experience" in solid state batteries for the automotive industry, CIC energiGUNE is advising research centres such as SINTEF, CNRS, FRAUNHOFER and the Basque company CIDETEC.
Complete article in spanish: https://www.lavanguardia.com/local/paisvasco/20190322/461168812847/el-centro-alaves-cic-energigune-asesorara-a-expertos-europeos-en-almacenamiento-de-energia-en-baterias-para-automocion.html
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