Idoia Moraza Matellanes graduated in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) at the Faculty of Chemistry in Donostia/San Sebastián in 2024. During her undergraduate studies, she worked on a project focused on the partial oxidation of wastewater, emphasizing the oxidation mechanisms of aniline and benzothiazole, conducted at General Química, located in Lantarón. In her final year, she completed her undergraduate thesis, titled “Myrcene Isomerization: Applications in Cosmetic Chemistry,” under the supervision of Abel de Cózar and Fernando P. Cossío. Through this project, she gained knowledge in theoretical-computational methods in the field of organic chemistry. In 2024, she began her Master’s studies in Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry at UPV/EHU in the Faculty of Science and Technology (Leioa). She joined CIC energiGUNE as a Master’s student intern, aiming to work with new sparingly solvating electrolytes for lithium-sulfur batteries.
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