Rafael Del Olmo obtained his BSc degree in Chemistry (2017) and Master in Chemistry Research (2018) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). He completed his PhD in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials (2022) at POLYMAT-UPV/EHU (Spain) with a secondment at Deakin University (Australia) in a renowned research group in electromaterials (Prof. Maria Forsyth and Dr. Nerea Casado). The PhD topic was focused on organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors based on electronic conducting polymer, polyelectrolytes and organic ionic plastic crystals for energy storage applications in lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors and solid-state devices. Later, he joined the Inorganic-Polymer Hybrid and Nanostructured Materials group at POLYMAT-UPV/EHU as postdoctoral researcher working in the field of polymer electrolytes and thin hybrid electrolytes (halides-polymer) under the EU-funded SEATBELT (Solid-state metal battery with in situ hybrid electrolyte) project allowing him to deepen his expertise in solid-state devices. In parallel, he studied Computer Engineering graduating in 2024.
In 2024, he joined CIC energiGUNE as a researcher in the Synthesis and design of polymeric materials team.
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