Stephen completed his Bachelors´s in Chemistry at the top of my class from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. During the course of his undergaduate study, he was part of several projects collaborating with different organizations. His main focus during that tenure was to develop skills to conduct research in energy storage devices. As part of The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, India, he attempted to develop a strong hypothesis on sulphur doped lithium titanate anode materials for sodium-ion batteries usuing computational simulations. At National physcial Laboratory of India, he continued working in the feild of energy storage and conversión by working pervoskite solar cells. He gained a lot of experience while working on trying to optimize the copper oxide hole transpoting layer during device fabrication and charcaterization.
Following his Bachelors he joined Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC+) master’s program, and a 2-year Joint Erasmus Mundus program focusing on Materials Science and Electrochemistry, fully taught in English. During this time he studied at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UPS III). During the Summer Internship at CIC energiGUNE, I would focus on projects related with metal-ion capacitors.
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