The 7.9 million euro LISA project aims over the next 43 months to improve this technology and bring it closer to the market
With the objective of developing safe, high-energy lithium-sulphur battery cells with non-flammable solid-state hybrid electrolytes for integration into the automotive world, LISA was born, a project that officially began on January 1 and will last 43 months.
It is funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme to the tune of 7.9 million euros and, coordinated by Leitat, involves a total of 13 organisations: OXIS Energy, Cranfield University, Varta Micro Battery, CIC Energigune Fundazioa, Argem, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IWS, Pulsedeon, ACCUREC Recycling, Optimat Limited, Technische Universität Dresden, VDL Enabling Transport Solutions and Renault.
Complete article in spanish: https://www.abc.es/motor/reportajes/abci-azufre-baterias-coches-electricos-reduce-peso-y-aumenta-capacidad-carga-y-autonomia-201901030150_noticia.html
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