Dr. Jon Ajuria completed his bachelor degree in Chemistry in 2003 in the University of the Basque Country. During the last year he carried out his bachelor thesis in the University of Bergen, Norway. Back to the Basque Country, he joined the Energy Department of IK-4 CIDETEC where he dedicated 3 years of intense research activity in Hydrogen Fuel Cells. In 2007 he moved to IK-4 IKERLAN where he obtained his PhD degree in 2012 by the University of the Basque Country. Research carried during this period of time was devoted to the development of hybrid organic-inorganic flexible solar cells based on nanostructured electrodes. In the frame of his PhD he visited Dr.Oliver Hayden´s group at SIEMENS (Germany) for a 4 month internship. After his PhD, he stayed for 3 years at IK-4 IKERLAN as a researcher where he participated in several European Projects related to the development or organic solar cells. In 2015 he joined CIC energiGUNE as a post-doctoral fellow to work in the newborn Hybrid Supercapacitors Research Line. Since 2018 he is Associate Researcher in CIC energiGUNE. His research interest is focused on the development of metal ion capacitors. He is Project Leader of several industrial projects.
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