Florencia Marchini (Umicore), Travis Thompson (Umicore) Sona Valiyaveettil (CIC energiGUNE), Montserrat Casas-Cabanas (CIC energiGUNE), Frederic Aguesse (CIC energiGUNE)
The authors of the present invention have found that the addition of lithium halide to a composite cathode with selected electrolyte and cathode materials strongly enhances the electrochemical performance (in particular the cycling performance) even without sintering the composite cathode material. It was further found that the addition of lithium halide to the selected electrolyte and cathode materials allows co-sintering of these materials at extremely low temperatures, surprisingly resulting in a sintered composite cathode material with limited degradation of composite cathode materials. Or in other words, the thermal stability of the composite cathode material is increased thereby reaching temperatures for sintering without decomposition of the composite cathode material. It was furthermore found that the enhanced electrochemical performance provided by the lithium halide addition is present even after sintering.
Business Development Manager businessdev@cicenergigune.com P: +34 945 297108
Mani Karthik (CIC energiGUNE), Abdessamad Faik (CIC energiGUNE) and Stefania Doppiu (CIC energiGUNE)
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