Abstract submission for the XV Reunion Nacional de Electrocerámica is now underway. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
To submit an abstract, please download the TEMPLATE provided below and fill it in according to the built-in formats. The template also asks you to specify the type of presentation (oral or poster) and your attendance format (in-person or virtual), although the latter is only indicative: you will be able to modify the attendance format until 25 June.
Once you have integrated the abstract and selected your participation options, save the document as a word or pdf file with your first and last name (e.g. firstname-lastname.docx) and upload it via the "Browse" field in the form below.
For this hybrid edition of the meeting, we have prepared a specific “Guide for Authors” detailing how to prepare both the in-person and the virtual presentations. You can consult it here.
You can also use the e-mail address ec15@cicenergigune.com for any inquiries you may have. Please remember that the submission deadline is April 28, 2021.
Deadline for abstract submission closed
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