AMAIA QUINTELA ZUMETA ( Talk:Influence of sodium salt in the electrochemical performance of a high energy density sodium solid state battery )
MARINA ENTERRIA GONZALEZ ( Talk:Eco-friendly manufacture of high-performing graphene aerogel cathodes for NaO2 batteries)
LEIRE MEABE ITURBE ( Talk:Insight into the Ionic Transport of Solid Polymer Electrolytes in Polyether and Polyester Blends)
MARIA ANGELES CABAÑERO MARTINEZ ( Poster:Operational experience of hybrid PV/Wind systems in rural areas of northern Africa)
MIKEL ARRESE-IGOR ROYUELA ( Talk:Overcoming challenges of high-voltage Li-metal solid-state batteries)
PEDRO LOPEZ-ARANGUREN OLIVER ( Talk:Boosting the rate capability of poly(ethylene)oxide-based solid state batteries with electronic conductive additives)
72nd Annual ISE Meeting
MARIA ANGELES CABAÑERO MARTINEZ ( Paper:Lithium plating prediction in lithium ion batteries)
MARIA ARNAIZ GONZALEZ ( Talk:A low-cost pre-metallation strategy enabling ultrafast and stable metal ion capacitors)
NICOLA BOARETTO ( Talk:Hybrid Ceramic-Polymer Electrolytes for High-Energy Lithium Metal Batteries)
ANDER ORUE MENDIZABAL ( Talk:Designing High Performance Positive/Negative Electrodes for Poly(ethylene)oxide-based Solid-State Batteries)
2nd International Workshop on "Novel Batteries for Electric Energy Storage
MARIA ANGELES CABAÑERO MARTINEZ ( Paper:Bioenergy Networks: Recommendations on Stakeholder Motivation)
MARIA ANGELES MORENO FERNANDEZ ( Poster: NMR as a powerful tool to elucidate enhanced charge storage of phosphorus-functionalized graphene in aqueous acidic electrolytes)
MRS Spring meeting 2021
LIXIN QIAO ( Talk: Late News: Chiral Salts for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries )
International Flow Battery Forum- IFBF 2020 (delayed to January 2021)
ANA CATARINA LOPES ( Poster: HIGREEW Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery: From Materials Development to Final Prototype Integration )
KRISTEL SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA ( Talk: HIGREEW Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery: From Materials Development to Final Prototype Integration )
KRISTEL SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA ( Talk: Organic redox active materials: on the importance of the structure and counterion design)
Advanced Functional Material Congress 2020
JAKUB ZAGORSKI ( Talk: Garnet-PEO composite solid electrolytes: A multiscale view on Li+ Transport)
Towards Futuristic Energy Storage; paving its way through Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries and beyond
MARIA ANGELES MORENO FERNANDEZ ( Talk: Flat-shaped carbon-graphene microcomposites for high energy supercapacitors)
Workshop New Materials for a Better Life!: Advanced devices and Materials as Key Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Environment
MIKEL ARRESE-IGOR ROYUELA ( Fred's Invited Talk: “Solid state electrolytes for Li metal-based batteries: challenges and prospects”)
Cell-iChEM Symposia: Next Gen Materials for Energy Application
HENG ZHANG ( Talk: Designer anions for solid-state lithium batteries)
DANIEL CARRIAZO MARTIN ( Talk: Graphene composites as binder-free electrodes for high volumetric energy density devices)
HENG ZHANG ( Invited Talk: Improve the Li-ion conductivity of solid polymer electrolytes with functional salt
JOSE ANTONIO COCA CLEMENTE ( Talk: Electrochemical performances, challenges and issues of a pure ceramic vs a polymer-ceramic composite as electrolytes in Li metal solid state batteries)
MARINA ENTERRIA GONZALEZ ( Poster:Electrochemical exfoliated graphene aerogels for high performance Na-air
Reunión nacional de Electrocerámica XIV
FREDERIC AGUESSE ( Invited talk: Ceramic-based electrolytes for high performance lithium batteries)
Graphene 2019
MARIA ANGELES MORENO FERNANDEZ ( Talk: Lamellar-shaped carbon-graphene composites as electrodes for high energy supercapacitors)
VII Jornadas Doctorales Grupo G9 (G-9)
JUAN LUIS GOMEZ URBANO ( Poster: El papel del grafeno en las baterías del futuro)
TANDRA PANJA ( Poster: Nanostructured nickel cobalt oxide and polymer derived carbon for high power and energy density aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor)
DHRUBAJYOTI BHATTACHARJYA ( Poster: Challenges in Fabrication of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor in Pouch Cell Configuration)
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