MARIA CARMEN MORANT MIÑANA ( Seminar: Tunning solid-state battery performance by adjusting the composite cathode processing parameters)
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2021
AMAIA QUINTELA ZUMETA ( Talk:Influence of sodium salt in the electrochemical performance of a high energy density sodium solid state battery )
MARINA ENTERRIA GONZALEZ ( Talk:Eco-friendly manufacture of high-performing graphene aerogel cathodes for NaO2 batteries)
LEIRE MEABE ITURBE ( Talk:Insight into the Ionic Transport of Solid Polymer Electrolytes in Polyether and Polyester Blends)
72nd Annual ISE Meeting
MARIA ANGELES CABAÑERO MARTINEZ ( Paper:Lithium plating prediction in lithium ion batteries)
MARIA ARNAIZ GONZALEZ ( Talk:A low-cost pre-metallation strategy enabling ultrafast and stable metal ion capacitors)
NICOLA BOARETTO ( Talk:Hybrid Ceramic-Polymer Electrolytes for High-Energy Lithium Metal Batteries)
ANDER ORUE MENDIZABAL ( Talk:Designing High Performance Positive/Negative Electrodes for Poly(ethylene)oxide-based Solid-State Batteries)
41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry/1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry
MARIA ANGELES CABAÑERO MARTINEZ ( Paper: Simulations of Lithium plating in lithium ion batteries)
JOSE ANTONIO COCA CLEMENTE ( Invited Talk: Development of Lithium and Sodium ion capacitors with high energy-to-power ratios)
MARIA ARNAIZ GONZALEZ ( Talk:Improvement of Lithium Metal Polymer Batteries through a Small Dose of Fluorinated Salt)
ESTIBALIZ GARCIA GAITAN ( Talk:Naturally-derived biopolymer electrolyte for Zn-air batteries)
International Battery Production Conference (IBPC 2020)
MARIA CARMEN MORANT MIÑANA ( Talk: Influence of the dispersing method on the performance of Lithium Solid-State batteries)
MSE2020 Congress
ABAF Conference
DHRUBAJYOTI BHATTACHARJYA ( Talk: Effect of electrode processing and cell assembly on the performance of supercapacitor in prototype pouch cell format)
JON AJURIA ARREGI ( Talk: An ultrafast battery performing as a supercapacitor: electrode tuning for high power performance and long cycling life)
MARIA ARNAIZ GONZALEZ ( Talk: Na-ion capacitors based on TiSb2 alloy negative electrode: the role of the binder towards enhancing cycle life)
TANDRA PANJA ( Poster: Advanced nanostructured carbons for Lithium Ion capacitors)
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