DAMIEN SAUREL ( Talk & Poster: A comparative study of the diffusion kinetics of Li and Na in olivine (triphylite) (Li,Na)FePO4 & Poster: A SAXS outlook on disordered carbonaceous materials for electrochemical energy
Power our future 2019
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Talk: A SAXS outlook on disordered carbonaceous materials for electrochemical energy storage)
ICNaB-2018- 5th International Conference on Sodium Batteries
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Poster: Deciphering the kinetic limitations of NaFePO4: a comparative experimental study of Na+ and Li+ diffusion in (Na,Li)xFePO4)
LIBD 2017
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Talk and Poster: The mechanism of sodium uptake into hard carbon elucidated by operando PXRD and SAXS )
3rd International conference on Sodium Batteries
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Invited Talk: On the mechanism of sodium storage in disordered carbons)
IMRC 2016
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Invited Talk: A Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Study Of Microporous Carbons For Electrochemical Energy Storage)
IBA (International Battery Association) 2016
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Poster: New insights into the kinetics of Na insertion and extraction into the FePO4/NaFePO4 system)
228th ECS Meeting
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Talk: Disordered carbons as negative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries)
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Poster: New Insights into the kineticsof Na Ion insertionand extraction of FePO4/NaFePO4 system)
2nd International Conference on Sodium Batteries
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Talk: Disordered carbons as negative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries)
LiBD 7 (lithium battery discussions)
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Poster: Disordered carbons as negative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries)
224th ECS Meeting
DAMIEN SAUREL ( Oral:New insights into the kinetics of Na insertion and extration into the FePO4/NaFePO4 system)
1st Symposium on Na batteries
DAMIEN SAUREL ( New insights into the mechanism of Na insertion and extraction into the FePO4/NaFePO4 system)
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