Diana Lopez has experience in Research, Development and Analytical Characterization of biotech products. She got her PhD in Analytical Chemistry in 2010. In recent years, she has been Head of Analytical Development at Midatech Pharma Spain of the characterization of nanoparticles for the treatment of rare and oncological diseases, creating a complete GMP analytical platform in terms of identification and quantification of raw materials, APIs and related substances by HPLC/UPLC coupled with MS detector. She has experience in the analytical laboratory management, coordinating analyses and collaborating with Manufacturing staff, controlling the stages of product synthesis on a small and large scale. Diana Lopez is specialized in optimization and validation analysis methods, specifically HPLC and UPLC with a Diode array Detection (DAD), Charge Aerosol Detector (CAD), and MS detector (ionic trap, single and triple quadrupole, TOF). In addition, she has experience in GC analysis with FID and MS detectors.
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