Grazia Accardo was awarded her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the University of Napoli Parthenope and after a research project at-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), in June 2015 she was invited as visiting scientist at the “Fuel Cell Research Center” of Korea Institute for Science and Technology (KIST). The research project was in partnership with Italian National Agency for New Technologies (ENEA). Her activity in KIST was focused on the improvement of materials and components for high-temperature fuel cells application. In July 2016 she won the Korea Research Fellowship Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT with a 5-years project on the development of new fabrication processes for electrolytes materials in solid oxide fuel cells. During the project, she authored 19 SCI-papers related to the improvement of the electrochemical properties of solid oxide electrolytes.
Her research activities embrace several topics in the field of Materials Science and Technology, Energy & Environmental Application: Sol-gel Processing for Conventional and Alternative Energy Materials, Ceramic Electrolytes for Energy Devices.
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