MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Functionalized Cu current collector by LIPSS* to enhance the performance of Li-ion batteries
*Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures
Laser4Surf workshop in the LPM2020
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Functionalized Cu current collector by Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) to enhance the rate performance of Li-ion batteries)
Invited seminar at Diamond Synchroton, CLF, ISIS and SCD
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Invited Seminar: Interfacial studies for Li- and Na-ion batteries)
Power our future 2019
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Scientific Committee)
MRS 2018 Fall Meeting
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies on the P2- Manganese based sodium layered oxides: Structural evolution during cycling)
The Battery Show Europe 2018
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: A Look into Space and Beyond with Thin Film Li-ion Batteries)
3# Pint of Science Festival
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: El átomo que moverá el mundo)
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Thin-film anodes for high power and high energy density Li-ion batteries)
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Probing battery interfaces with photoemission spectroscopy: the synchrotron-free approach at SIRBATT)
2# Pint of Science Festival
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Baterías en el espacio)
ICSS Meeting
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Invited talk: Electrode-electrolyte interface of polymer Li-ion batteries)
65th ISE Annual meeting
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Talk: Study of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interphase in Na2Ti3O7 Electrodes for Rechargeable Na-Ion Batteries)
FNMA14, 11th Internatinal Workshop on Functuonal and Nanostructured Materials
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Invited talk: Electrode-electrolyte interphase in negative electrodes for rechargeable Na-Ion Batteries)
224th ECS Meeting
MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ MARQUEZ ( Oral: Surface studies of Na2Ti307 electrodes for rechageable sodium-ion batteries. Poster: Overcoming the current limitations of li-ion batteries using alternative synthesis routes for conversion electrode materials)
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